Product Version Stage Release Date Support Ending Date End of Limited Support
Capture October 2023 Supported 11/17/2023 TBD TBD
Mediasite Integration for Moodle (LTI 1.3) 8.x Supported 02/27/2024 TBD TBD
Mediasite Video Platform 8.x Supported 06/17/2021 TBD TBD
Monitor (NEW) 8.10 Supported 04/30/2024 TBD TBD
Mosaic for Mac 2.x Supported 07/19/2021 TBD TBD
Mosaic for Windows (NEW) 2.11 Supported 05/01/2024 TBD TBD
Recorder 8.16+ Supported 07/20/2023 TBD TBD
Mediasite Content Module for Moodle (LTI 1.1) 8.x Limited Support 02/27/2024 06/30/2024 12/31/2024
Monitor (Microsoft Store) 8.x Limited Support 07/19/2021 04/29/2024 08/31/2024
Mosaic for Windows (Microsoft Store) 2.x Limited Support 09/13/2021 04/29/2024 08/31/2024
Recorder 8.9 Limited Support 04/04/2022 10/06/2022 TBD
Recorder 8.2 Limited Support 08/16/2021 04/04/2022 TBD
Blackboard Building Block 1.4 Unsupported 09/28/2023 12/31/2023 06/30/2024
Catch 2.3.0 Unsupported 06/10/2019 06/17/2021 06/30/2022
Desktop Recorder 2.5 Unsupported 06/21/2018 12/31/2020 06/30/2021
Enterprise Video Platform 7.0.30 Unsupported 05/31/2017 12/16/2019 01/31/2020
Join 3.2.0 Unsupported 01/24/2020 12/31/2021 06/30/2022
Join Cloud 3.2.0 Unsupported 01/24/2020 12/31/2021 06/30/2022
Mediasite integration for Open LMS (LTI 1.1) 8.x Unsupported 03/08/2021 03/01/2024 07/10/2024
Mediasite Video Platform 7.6 Unsupported 12/08/2020 06/17/2021 08/31/2022
Mediasite Video Platform 7.4 Unsupported 05/21/2020 12/08/2020 06/30/2021
Mediasite Video Platform 7.2 Unsupported 12/17/2019 05/21/2020 12/31/2020
RAMP Multicast for Mediasite Deliver 7.2.2 Unsupported 08/08/2019 06/17/2021 07/11/2022
Recorder 7.5 Unsupported 07/29/2020 06/17/2021 08/31/2022
Recorder 7.3.3 Unsupported 06/20/2019 07/29/2020 12/31/2020
Recorder 7.1.14 Unsupported 12/07/2017 10/07/2018 07/31/2020
Zoom Marketplace Integration for MVP 1.0 Unsupported 07/10/2019 08/31/2021 01/31/2022

Note: Mediasite Monitor and Mosaic are automatically kept up to date by virtue of their availability in the Microsoft Store or the Mac App Store. It is expected that these applications are allowed to automatically update, and should always be running the latest version. Prior versions are no longer supported once an update is released.

Support Stages

The table below displays the various services that Sonic Foundry will provide during each stage of support.

Service Supported Limited Support Unsupported
Knowledge Base Articles
Customer Care Support
(Phone, Email, Case)
Escalated (Engineering) Support
New Features
Bug Fixes Critical Considered*
Security Patches Critical Considered*
Limited Availability Features †

*Bug Fixes and Security Patches are primarily targeted for our currently Supported version(s). For version(s) in Limited Support, we will assess Critical level issues as they arise and may choose to release an update to resolve. In other cases, customers may be directed to upgrade to a currently Supported version.

† Limited Availability Features may be introduced in a Supported version. These features are unsupported and may be removed in a future update.